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Cherry Chicken Cake

Cherry Chicken Cake
Cherry Chicken Cake

Video: Cherry Cake Remake — This Pyramid Will Make You The Star Of The Party Buffet! 2024, July

Video: Cherry Cake Remake — This Pyramid Will Make You The Star Of The Party Buffet! 2024, July

Cherry chicken cake is a great substitute for the usual julienne. The two dishes are similar in taste, but the presentation is different. To prepare such a cake is very simple, it is quite satisfying.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 200 g of fresh champignons, suluguni cheese;

  • - 100 ml cream of 35% fat content;

  • - 1 chicken breast;

  • - 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream;

  • - 6 cherry tomatoes;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - black pepper.

Instruction manual


Make foil baskets. To do this, take a glass, put on a foil, form a cup of foil. It is advisable to roll the foil several times to get an elastic mold. The diameter of the baskets is 7 cm, the height is about the same. Of course, you can not suffer and take ready-made forms for muffins and just cover them with foil.


Chicken breast cut into thin long strips, lay on the bottom of the molds in the form of a spiral.


Peel the onion, cut, cut the mushrooms. First, fry the mushrooms in a frying pan without adding oil, so that all excess liquid leaves them, then add chopped onions with vegetable oil. Fry until the onions are transparent. After pour in 50-100 ml of cream and add 3 tablespoons of sour cream.


Put the prepared mushrooms with onions on top of the chicken. Rub the suluguni cheese on top. Note that this cheese is very salty, so that no chicken or champignons are required to be salted. Just pepper to your liking. Put a cherry tomato on top of the cake.


Bake chicken cherry pie for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. You can serve both cold and warm.

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