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Chicken chops in batter

Chicken chops in batter
Chicken chops in batter

Video: Chicken chops in batter 2024, July

Video: Chicken chops in batter 2024, July

Chicken chops have a very delicate taste. It is necessary to cook them from fresh chicken fillet, so that when beating do not lose the juiciness and softness of the dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 500 g skinless chicken;

  • - 3 eggs;

  • - 3 tablespoons of flour;

  • - Korean carrots for toppings;

  • - black allspice to taste;

  • - salt to taste.

Instruction manual


Cut the chicken fillet into layers, 0.5 cm thick. You need to do this across the fibers. Beat meat plates, but not hard.


Beat eggs with pepper and salt. Add flour and mix thoroughly. The consistency of the egg mass should be of medium density, like thick sour cream (if the batter is too liquid, then add a little more flour).


On a chicken chop, put 1 dessert spoon of Korean carrots and cover with a second chop, dip in the finished batter. Then fry in a preheated pan on both sides until cooked.


The finished dish can be served to the table, both hot and cold - equally tasty.

Useful advice

Garlic sauce cooked at home is perfect for chicken chop in batter. To make the sauce, mix the garlic, finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

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