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Gooseberries: planting and care in the open ground

Gooseberries: planting and care in the open ground
Gooseberries: planting and care in the open ground

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Video: Growing Gooseberries from Planting to Harvest 2024, July

Video: Growing Gooseberries from Planting to Harvest 2024, July

It is no coincidence that gooseberries are lovingly called northern grapes. It is highly regarded for its nutritional properties and scientists claim that regular consumption of berries prevents some cancers. Meanwhile, growing gooseberries is not difficult even for a novice gardener.


Pick your recipe

The nutritional and healing properties of gooseberries

Gooseberries are dietary and contain about 40 kcal per 100 grams, where 9 g are carbohydrates, 0.7 g are proteins, 0.2 g are fats. Product value - a large set of vitamins, sugars, mineral salts, pectin. Gooseberries are useful for heart diseases, atherosclerosis, and blood pressure spikes.


Berries increase hemoglobin, which is important in the treatment of anemia. They have a laxative, choleretic, diuretic, vasoconstrictive effect. In folk medicine, gooseberries are used for metabolic disorders, obesity, gastric colic, diarrhea and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The recipe for treatment. Pound one tablespoon of gooseberry berries in a glass, pour boiling water, insist in a warm place for 45-50 minutes and take a decoction of a quarter cup 3-4 times a day.

Where and how to plant gooseberry seedlings

For cultivation choose sunlit, moderately moist soil. The bush will not develop and bear fruit in wetlands. Like any plant, gooseberries require fertile, well-structured soils. Although gardeners seek good harvests on heavy clay lands.

For planting, seedlings or layering are preferred for two years in age, with developed roots and aerial parts. The technique of planting seedlings is similar to planting currants. Gooseberries can be planted obliquely and buried 5-10 cm from the root neck.


This technique stimulates the formation of the root system from the kidneys on the stem. But on heavy soils, strong deepening is not desirable and plants may not take root due to a lack of air at the roots.

A distance of 1.5-2 m is maintained between the bushes. After planting, the seedling is cut, watered and mulched to preserve moisture.

Fertilizers are applied to one landing pit:

- compost -1-2 buckets, or humus - 1 bucket, or peat - 1-2 buckets;

- superphosphate - 150 g;

- ash - 0.5 l can, on acidic soils add dolomite flour 2-3 tbsp;

- potassium chloride - 150 g or potassium sulfate 2 tbsp. spoons.

A pit for planting is dug with a size of about 40x40 cm. The soil mixture with all fertilizers is mixed, poured into the pit.

When is it better to plant gooseberries: in autumn or spring

The best time to plant gooseberry seedlings is autumn. This work is usually carried out 2-3 weeks before the onset of freezing. In the spring, gooseberries start to grow early, and seedlings with open roots need to be planted before buds open. Plants from nurseries in containers with a closed root system are planted at any time, from spring to autumn.

Gooseberry Care

Loosening the near-stem circle, removing weeds, feeding, watering, pruning, protection from diseases and pests - this is the main list of work to care for gooseberries.


Jagodnik loves humus and experienced gardeners in late autumn mulch the root zone with a layer of at least 8-10 cm. In the spring, with melt water, the plants receive food and are actively moving in growth. Gooseberries need a lot of potassium for harvest, and if there is excess ash, be sure to dust all the branches and the near-stem circle at the roots more often. This will benefit: the crop will be higher, the berries will be sweeter and the plants will be less sick.

Gooseberries are classified as long-lived plants. With proper care, the bush can live, bear fruit in one place for 15-18 years.

Feature of harvesting gooseberries


First, the berries are removed for processing into jams and preserves. Their collection begins when the fruits cease to increase in size. The remaining berries are harvested at full biological maturity, when they appear typical for this variety of color.

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