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Cabbage envelopes with a secret

Cabbage envelopes with a secret
Cabbage envelopes with a secret

Video: Simple Csound Sequencer 2024, July

Video: Simple Csound Sequencer 2024, July

Cabbage envelopes stuffed with cheese, mushrooms and meat will decorate the table, will delight you with a delicious balanced taste. They are easy to cook, you can eat both hot and cooled.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - cabbage - 1 head

  • - hard cheese - 200 g

  • - ham - 200 g

  • - mushrooms - 200 g

  • - chicken fillet - 200 g

  • - chicken egg - 2 pcs.

  • - 600 ml of water

  • - wheat flour

  • - salt, black pepper, dill - to taste

  • - vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Instruction manual


Cooking cabbage leaves

Cabbage head to divide into leaves, cut off thick veins, lower in salted boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes. Remove the softened leaves with a slotted spoon, put in a colander and let the water drain.


Cooking batter

Beat a raw egg with spices and salt, add water, then - sifted flour, gradually stirring. You can beat with a mixer. The consistency of the batter should be creamy.


Cooking stuffing

Boil chicken fillet in salted water. Cut the mushrooms, lightly fry in vegetable oil, add the onions finely chopped in half rings, fry, stirring, until golden brown. Grate cheese, grated ham, finely chopped boiled chicken, salt, pepper to taste. Finely chop dill. All pepper and mix.


Cooking "envelopes"

On each leaf of cabbage we put the filling, wrap it like an envelope, press it with your hand. Pour a little oil into the preheated pan and spread the cabbage envelopes, after having carefully dipped them in batter. Fry them on both sides until golden brown, spread on a dish. You can serve "envelopes" with mayonnaise, sour cream or other mayonnaise-based sauce.

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