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How to make strawberry and banana yogurt at home

How to make strawberry and banana yogurt at home
How to make strawberry and banana yogurt at home

Table of contents:

Video: Homemade Fruit Yogurt Recipes | Flavored Yogurt 3 Ways | Strawberry | Banana | Mango | Ep: 77 2024, July

Video: Homemade Fruit Yogurt Recipes | Flavored Yogurt 3 Ways | Strawberry | Banana | Mango | Ep: 77 2024, July

Fruit yogurt is one of the most popular desserts. It belongs to the category of dairy products. Yogurt is made from milk and filler, which can be almost any fruit or berries. Skimmed cow milk is commonly used. The method of preparing yogurt is based on fermenting milk as a result of adding special bacteria to it.


Pick your recipe

The benefits of yogurt

Firstly, yogurt is a low-calorie food. Therefore, it can be safely used as diet food for people who have made a firm decision to monitor their nutrition and figure.

Secondly, this product contains a large number of vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus), which are vital for the body.

Possible harm

But yogurt can also be harmful. But this applies only to those people who have an individual intolerance to yogurt, which, fortunately, is quite rare.

Strawberry and Banana Yogurt


  • 1 liter of milk

  • 1 tablespoon sour cream

  • 200 grams of strawberries

  • 2 bananas

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

  • A bag of vanilla sugar.


Bring milk to a boil and, removing from heat, leave to cool. Milk should cool to room temperature. Next, add sour cream to milk, mix everything and put the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. After that, put the yogurt in a blender. Cut strawberries and banana into small pieces, adding sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat the whole mixture and transfer to glasses or jars. Yogurt is ready.

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