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How to make kefir ice cream at home

How to make kefir ice cream at home
How to make kefir ice cream at home

Video: Homemade Frozen Kefir Ice Cream 2024, July

Video: Homemade Frozen Kefir Ice Cream 2024, July

Women who have children are always looking for new ways to tasty and healthy feed the baby. In the summer, ice cream is especially important. His taste is familiar to everyone since childhood. Now there are an incredible amount of ways to cook it! The main thing is that the dessert was not only tasty, but also healthy!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - a blender;

  • - bowls for mixing 4 pieces;

  • - molds for freezing;

  • - kefir 1 l;

  • - sugar or fructose 4 teaspoons;

  • - banana 1 pc;

  • - strawberries 4 pcs;

  • - peach 1 pc;

  • - cocoa 2 tsp.

Instruction manual


Separately put the fruits and cocoa in bowls. Peel the banana, thoroughly rinse the strawberries and peach under cold water.


Pour cooked kefir in equal parts to each bowl and add sugar or fructose. Then we need a blender. With its help, in each bowl we make a homogeneous mass.


From each bowl, pour the resulting mass into ice cream molds and send it to the freezer for 60 minutes!


To decorate ice cream, you can use sprigs of mint, chocolate chips, raspberries or currants, as well as whipped cream. This way of making ice cream is very useful and suitable for children from 1 year old!

Useful advice

You can also make ice cream with a surprise. Pour a little mass into the mold, then put nuts or whole fruits, then add mass on top. And you can mix the mass, a spoonful of 1 taste, then another and again the first. So get a “striped” ice cream with two different flavors. You can also install wooden sticks in the mass, thereby getting a popsicle! The fantasy here can be completely limitless!

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