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How to make compote wine

How to make compote wine
How to make compote wine

Video: How to make an easy white wine lemon butter sauce in two minutes. 2024, July

Video: How to make an easy white wine lemon butter sauce in two minutes. 2024, July

If you have stewed fruit at home and you don’t know what to do with it, you can make very tasty, aromatic home-made wine from it. The process of its preparation is quite simple, it will take only a little leaven and sugar. The main thing to remember is that the dishes for making wine should be glass or wooden, in no case metal. And with your own hands, you can treat your guests and loved ones around the round festive table with your own wine.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 200 g raspberries,

  • - sugar

  • - cotton wool

  • - bandage

  • - flexible tube

  • - glassware,

  • - plasticine or paraffin.

Instruction manual


The first step is to prepare the leaven separately. To do this, you will need 200 g of raspberries (no need to wash), which you need to grind with 100 g of granulated sugar. Add a little water and leave to boil in a cool place for 3-4 days. Berries do not need to be washed because natural yeast is found on the surface of the berries.


Add more granulated sugar to the compote and pour into pre-washed and scalded glass bottles or jars. Compote spill not top to bottom, leave room for sourdough and fermentation.


For every 3 liters of compote with lots of sugar, add 2 tbsp. l starter raspberries with sugar. Raspberries can be replaced with raisins, in this case 120 g of unwashed raisins should be added to a three-liter jar.


You can add a little honey to each bottle, it will significantly improve the taste and aroma of the wine.


Now you need to prepare bottle caps for the appropriate size. Roll up a suitable cotton ball and wrap it with gauze. Fill the neck of the bottle with this cork and put the container in a dark place.


After 7-10 days, the berries will rise to the surface, they must be carefully removed. Strain the remaining liquid and drain into clean bottles or jars.


Prepare a water shutter. To do this, make a small hole in the plastic cover and insert the rubber tube. Coat the junction with plasticine or paraffin, lower the other end of the tube into a container of water.


Cans with a water lock should be removed for 1.5-2 months in a warm place until fermentation stops. This can be seen by stopping the release of bubbles in a container of water. By then, the wine should be clear and a precipitate will form.


The cooked wine must be carefully drained from the sediment using a flexible hose. Pour into clean bottles, close with corks and keep in a cool place for 1-2 months.

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