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How to make vanilla ice cream?

How to make vanilla ice cream?
How to make vanilla ice cream?

Video: Easy Vanilla Ice Cream In 5 Minutes | Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe | Soft Creamy Ice Cream 2024, July

Video: Easy Vanilla Ice Cream In 5 Minutes | Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe | Soft Creamy Ice Cream 2024, July

Home-made ice cream will undoubtedly "give odds" to any store: both in price, in quality, and in benefits! And do not be afraid - this ice cream is done in minutes, and without an ice cream, but the taste … In general, and do not think that stop on one ball!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Fat cream (33%) - 250 ml;

  • Vanilla pod - 1 piece, or take vanillin on the tip of a knife;

  • Water - 100 ml + 1 tbsp;

  • Sugar - 100 g;

  • Yolks - 6 pieces;

  • Any additives at will and taste.

Instruction manual


First cook the syrup.

Bring to a boil 100 ml of water with sugar and

vanilla pod / vanilla. Let it boil for about 5 minutes! Remove from the stove and cool a little.


The next step is egg cream.

Mix lightly with a fork 1 tbsp. water and yolks. in a saucepan.

Pour the syrup in a thin stream into the yolks. We put on a small fire and, stirring, brew. Only the yolks began to thicken - take off!

Cool and take out the vanilla bean completely, if done with it.


Whip the cream until soft peaks.

Gently mix with cooled egg cream.

We put the ice cream in the bowl and freeze or

just in a container and put in the freezer, stirring occasionally.

For serving, you can pour it with syrup, jam, sprinkle with nuts, chocolate chips … But it’s also very, very tasty!

Bon Appetit!

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