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How to cook curd dough

How to cook curd dough
How to cook curd dough

Video: 5 Minute NO OVEN , NO YEAST PIZZA! Lockdown Pizza Recipe 2024, July

Video: 5 Minute NO OVEN , NO YEAST PIZZA! Lockdown Pizza Recipe 2024, July

Curd dough is good for baking, not for frying. It takes any form, therefore it is suitable for the manufacture of cookies and large pies. The dough is successfully combined with any filling - from jam to minced meat.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Cottage cheese - 400g;
    • eggs - 1 pc.;
    • flour - 2-3 tbsp.;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp;
    • salt - 0.5 tsp;
    • sunflower oil;
    • soda.

Instruction manual


To prepare the dough, take 2 packs of cottage cheese (approximately 400-500 grams), pass it through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve. In this case, the dough will be more tender and plastic, there will be no curd lumps in it. Add the soda previously quenched with citric acid, 4 tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt to the curd. Beat 1 egg into the mass, pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Add 50-70 ml of boiled water, add 1 cup of flour and grind the resulting mass. Pour the flour onto the work surface and knead the resulting paste with flour (another 1 cup) until a smooth, elastic dough is formed. It should not stick to hands. Otherwise, add more flour to it.


Another recipe for cottage cheese dough is good for open cakes. To prepare, wipe a pack of cottage cheese and half a pack of butter through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Bring the resulting mass to a homogeneous consistency. Beat 2 eggs into it, add a tablespoon of sugar, mix thoroughly. Since open cakes are usually prepared with savory fillings, they don’t add a lot of sugar to the dough. Now in the resulting mass you need to introduce a baking powder and two glasses of flour. You can knead the dough on the table. By consistency, it should be such that it can be rolled out with a rolling pin. Place the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator before making the pie.


For pies, too, there is a recipe for cottage cheese dough. Two packs of cottage cheese (choose sufficiently dry) mix with 5 tablespoons of sour cream, two eggs, 4 tablespoons of sugar. Add half a teaspoon of salt, soda, quenched with citric acid. In the resulting mixture, enter 2-3 cups of flour. The amount of this ingredient depends on the moisture content of the selected cottage cheese. Knead a thick dough. Put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. This dough is very fragile, therefore, fashioning pies, sprinkle it with flour.

curd dough

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