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How to make a salad with couscous (Tabule salad)

How to make a salad with couscous (Tabule salad)
How to make a salad with couscous (Tabule salad)

Video: Couscous Tabouli Salad | Tabbouleh Salad | Tabouleh 2024, July

Video: Couscous Tabouli Salad | Tabbouleh Salad | Tabouleh 2024, July

Couscous is a rather interesting product from which you can cook many delicious dishes. Today - it will be Tabule salad.

Pick your recipe

You will need

Couscous itself (1 cup), tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, parsley, mint, olive oil, lemon juice, pepper, salt, you can add raisins.

Instruction manual


Attention: prepare the salad a day before serving.

First, peel and dice the tomatoes, cucumbers and onions. If you add raisins, then put it in boiled water for several minutes, then dry. The amount of vegetables for this salad is added exclusively to taste. The original recipe looks like this: 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, half an onion, a handful of raisins.


Pour couscous without any processing into the salad bowl. Then add all the vegetables and dried raisins to this bowl. And start preparing salad dressing.


For dressing, mix lemon juice and olive oil. A matter of taste, but lemon juice is preferably a little less than oil. Add finely chopped parsley and mint to the mixture. After that, pour the salad itself.


Cover the dish with salad with cling film and refrigerate for a day. During this time, the salad will need to be stirred 3-4 times. Serve chilled.


Everyone has their own taste, and couscous is a product whose taste goes well with almost all vegetables and herbs, so experiment!

Useful advice

Let me remind you again: no couscous processing.

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