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How to cook escab fish

How to cook escab fish
How to cook escab fish

Video: Gino's Italian Coastal Escape | Swordfish Steaks With Sauteed Potatoes and Gremolata | ITV 2024, July

Video: Gino's Italian Coastal Escape | Swordfish Steaks With Sauteed Potatoes and Gremolata | ITV 2024, July

A hundred years ago, there were no refrigerators. But people somehow knew how to store food in the warm season. The cooks were no less skilled then than now and each cook had his own method and his own knowledge.


Pick your recipe

So this recipe is prepared in vinegar marinade, and therefore was very popular in the old days. Most likely this is an Arabic dish, but in Europe and America they like to cook it in many restaurants and in home cooking, it is very popular, since it is quite simple to cook it.

Escabeche is a method in which products do not deteriorate for a long time. This is something similar to marinade, but its difference is that the meat of the product must first be fried, only then it must be filled with marinade, which is prepared by the method that will be given below, in the recipe.

Typically, fish, chicken or rabbit meat is taken as the main product. In modern refrigerators, cooked foods in escab can be stored for up to two weeks.

It should be noted that the dish is not entirely useful and dietary, but if there are no contraindications, it can be quite often consumed.

So, the composition of this dish includes:

• Fish fillet, somewhere 450 grams

• 2 tablespoons of flour

• 4 to 5 cloves of garlic

• Onions, 1 head

• Olive oil, 100 grams

• Wine vinegar, somewhere around 300 ml

• Salt, pepper to taste

• Bay leaf

• Thyme, rosemary

• Granulated sugar

This dish is prepared with any fish, you can even mix different fish. The taste of this will not go bad. The first step is to cut the fish or its loin into pieces. The size of the pieces depends on the desire of the hostess, then you need to salt everything, pepper and prepare it for roasting. Flour is poured into a flat plate, then pieces of fish are falling in it - and that’s it, you can fry it, not forgetting to shake off excess flour.

The fish is fried in hot oil, as usual, then it must be set aside on the cooked plate. Oil is added to this frying pan, and the hostess proceeds to fry the onions, cut into rings. Hot peppers can add hot peppers.

Then vinegar is added to the pan, a little sugar and salt, all this boils for two minutes and the fish returns to the pan. If the fish is not completely covered with marinade, you can add water, and let it boil for one, two minutes, then you need to remove from heat and cool.

Stored fish in an escab in a refrigerator in a glass bowl.

When serving, you can sprinkle it with chopped olives, but it is tasty in and of itself.

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