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How to Make a Simple Meatball Soup

How to Make a Simple Meatball Soup
How to Make a Simple Meatball Soup

Video: Mexican Meatball Soup 2024, July

Video: Mexican Meatball Soup 2024, July

Soup with meatballs is a light first dish of Caucasian cuisine, which differs not only in a simple way of cooking, but also is a budget option. A small amount of ingredients, low calorie content, richness, a variety of recipes are the main advantages of a delicious soup.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -240 g of minced meat (beef, onions, carrots, salt);

  • –25 g of rice;

  • –2 medium sized potatoes;

  • –Half of large carrots;

  • –1 small onion;

  • –Fresh dill;

  • –Half of bell pepper.

Instruction manual


Take a soup pot and pour more than half of the water. Put on the burner and wait for it to boil.


Chop the onion with a sharp knife, rub the carrots on a grater with large divisions. Cut the pepper into thin strips. Put all vegetables in boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes, periodically removing the top foam.


At the same time, cut the potatoes in any shape and add to the soup. Next, take the stuffing and form balls with a diameter of 3-5 cm with your fingers. Put one meatball into the water.


Rice for the recipe is better to take steamed and polished. Rinse cereals in running cold water, add to soup.


Reduce heat, put salt in and cook at a moderate hotplate temperature for about 25 minutes. The readiness of the dish is evidenced not only by soft vegetables, but also meatballs that have surfaced on the surface.


When serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped dill. Toasted slices of bread give the soup an exquisite taste.

Useful advice

If you want to prepare a dietary version of the soup with meatballs, then use not chicken, but minced chicken or fish, in which you can drive a couple of eggs for greater stickiness.

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