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How to cook glazed chicken legs

How to cook glazed chicken legs
How to cook glazed chicken legs

Video: Korean Glazed Chicken Drumsticks 2024, July

Video: Korean Glazed Chicken Drumsticks 2024, July

Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg of chicken legs (thighs and legs)

  • - 6 tbsp. l ketchup

  • - b l mango or honey chutney

  • - 1 tsp crushed garlic

  • - 1/2 lemon juice

  • - 1 tsp adjika

  • - salad of rice and vegetables to garnish

Instruction manual


Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Combine ketchup, chutney (or honey), crushed garlic, lemon juice, and adjika.


Put the chicken thighs and drumsticks in a baking dish and distribute the resulting mixture.


Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the juice is clear when pierced with a knife. Lubricate the chicken with sauce one or two times. Serve with rice and vegetable salad.

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