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How to cook a rabbit with potatoes

How to cook a rabbit with potatoes
How to cook a rabbit with potatoes

Video: Rabbit stew. Tasty Hunters Rabbit stew recipe with potatoes | Italian Food 2024, July

Video: Rabbit stew. Tasty Hunters Rabbit stew recipe with potatoes | Italian Food 2024, July

Rabbit meat is very tasty and nutritious, and is highly regarded for its dietary qualities. Very often, rabbit meat is cooked in the form of roast with potatoes and other vegetables. Meat prepared in this way has a delicate and pleasant taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 500 g of rabbit;
    • 20 g of oil;
    • 7 potatoes;
    • 4 carrots;
    • 200 g of parsley root;
    • 200 g turnip;
    • 2 onions;
    • 300 g sauce;
    • Bay leaf;
    • salt;
    • pepper;
    • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
    • 1 bunch of parsley.

Instruction manual


If you bought a whole rabbit carcass, then first you need to cut it into pieces. Cut each part into pieces, two pieces per serving. Only rabbit legs (ham) can be used in this recipe.


Next, you need to soak the rabbit meat (marinate) for three hours in water with the addition of two tablespoons of lemon juice. When the pickling time is over, remove the meat and wipe it with napkins.


Then fry the meat with vegetable oil in a pan. The meat must be fried until a light crust appears.


Put the fried meat in a saucepan or on a wire rack to stack excess fat.


After that, put the rabbit meat in a roasting pan. If there is no fryer, then take a pan with a thick bottom or any other utensils suitable for frying.


Now you need to cook the vegetables.


Peel the carrots, cut into circles.


Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into square pieces or slices.


Peel the turnips, remove the seeds, cut into small slices.


Parsley root, peel, wash and chop finely.


Peel onions, cut into half rings.


Fry all cooked vegetables in vegetable oil.


Then add the fried vegetables to the roasting pan with rabbit meat.


Pour in tomato or sour cream sauce, salt, pepper, carefully move, cover.


Place the roasting pan on the stove and simmer over medium heat for twenty minutes.


On a flat dish, put two pieces of rabbit, vegetables, pour a small amount of sauce in which the rabbit was stewed. Sprinkle chopped parsley on top of the dish. A fresh, soft roll is served with this dish.


If the potato is small, take pieces 5 - 7. If the potato is large, take less.

If you don’t like coarsely chopped vegetables, you can chop them.

Useful advice

Instead of tomato sauce, you can use tomato paste or fresh tomatoes.

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