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How to make cupcakes

How to make cupcakes
How to make cupcakes

Video: How to Get PERFECT VANILLA CUPCAKES Every Time 2024, July

Video: How to Get PERFECT VANILLA CUPCAKES Every Time 2024, July

What to cook for your family Sunday morning? Pies, cheesecakes, manna - all this has been prepared more than once. Delight your family with cupcakes! In old England, cupcakes were made from the highest quality products, so they were not only very appetizing in appearance, but also incredibly tasty. By the way, cupcakes are baked in forms for small cupcakes. How then do they differ from them? Cream "hat" is a hallmark of English cupcakes!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - wheat flour 1 cup;

  • - butter 100 grams;

  • - sugar ½ cup;

  • - chicken egg 2 pcs;

  • - milk ½ cup;

  • - baking powder;

  • - a pinch of salt;

  • - vanillin.
  • Food consumption is indicated on 12 small cupcakes

Instruction manual


First of all, beat the sugar and butter with a mixer (or whisk) to a homogeneous, lush mass.


We continue to beat the mass, while adding eggs, vanillin and salt.


Add the pre-sifted flour together with the baking powder and pour all the milk. Mix the mass until it becomes homogeneous.


If you are not using special paper cupcake molds, grease the silicone molds with butter. Pour the dough into molds. In the oven, cupcakes should stand for 20-30 minutes at 180 ° C.


Garnish prepared cupcakes with protein cream, whipped cream, or chocolate melted in a water bath.

Cupcakes prepared according to this recipes just melt in your mouth! Try it yourself.


Useful advice

To prepare the cream, you need to mix 5 proteins with sugar. Put the mass in a water bath and beat it until sugar is completely dissolved. Next, pour the mixture into a separate bowl, add a spoonful of lemon juice, butter and food coloring. The resulting cream will be ready for use after the oil hardens - for this, remove the mass for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

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