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How to cook beef goulash with hot pepper?

How to cook beef goulash with hot pepper?
How to cook beef goulash with hot pepper?

Video: This is my Beef Goulash Recipe - SUPER TASTY! 2024, July

Video: This is my Beef Goulash Recipe - SUPER TASTY! 2024, July

Goulash is a hearty national dish of Hungarian cuisine, which will become indispensable in the cold. But in order to properly cook beef goulash, you need to know a few rules, otherwise it can turn out just meat in sauce.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • • 800 g of beef;

  • • 1 large onion;

  • • 100 g of pork fat;

  • • 3 sweet peppers;

  • • 3 tomatoes;

  • • 0.5 tsp marjoram, red and black pepper;

  • • ½ a pod of hot pepper;

  • • 40 ml of dry wine;

  • • 1 tbsp flour;

  • • 1 tbsp salts;

  • • sprig of dill for decoration;

  • • butter for frying.

Instruction manual


My beef and cut into small pieces, onions - in small cubes. In a stewpan, melt the pork fat and fry the onion on it until golden brown. Then remove it from the heat and sprinkle with red pepper, mix well, add meat and salt. Put the stewpan again on low heat, add ½ cup of water and simmer for 20 minutes, not forgetting to stir the dish periodically.


As soon as the liquid boils, we pour more water and wine so that they completely cover the meat. We cover the stewpan with a lid and simmer for another 40 minutes over low heat. While the meat is stewed, peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes. Cut the tomatoes into slices, and sweet pepper into squares. First, add the potatoes and peppers to the meat, and after 10 minutes we pour the tomatoes. Add 2 liters of water to the beef goulash and cook until the potatoes are fully cooked.


In a pan, melt a little butter and fry the flour on it, then dilute with water. We cut the hot pepper into small cubes and crush in a mortar, mix with flour. When the potatoes are cooked, add the flour, bitter pepper, ground black pepper and marjoram to the beef goulash, mix well. Once again, bring the soup to a boil and turn off the heat, leave the dish to brew for 10 minutes, pour on plates and decorate with dill sprigs.

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