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How to cook beans with spicy sauce

How to cook beans with spicy sauce
How to cook beans with spicy sauce

Video: ပဲငပိပြုလုပ်နည်း How to Make Chilli Bean Sauce(Toban Djan) 2024, July

Video: ပဲငပိပြုလုပ်နည်း How to Make Chilli Bean Sauce(Toban Djan) 2024, July

Beans in spicy sauce is a tasty and nutritious dish that is easy to prepare. Such beans can be consumed as a snack or side dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 tbsp. red bean;

  • - 1 bell pepper;

  • - 0.5 pods of hot pepper;

  • - 2 ripe tomatoes;

  • - 1 carrot;

  • - 1 onion;

  • - 4 cloves of garlic;

  • - ground red pepper to taste;

  • - cilantro;

  • - vegetable oil for frying;

  • - salt to taste.

Instruction manual


Rinse the dry red beans and fill it with a glass of water, then leave to swell for 1.5 hours. Soaked beans set to simmer on low heat until cooked.


Cut bell pepper into small cubes, chop the onion into thin half rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour the tomatoes over boiling water and peel them, chop the peeled tomatoes together with hot pepper and garlic in a blender to make a liquid slurry.


Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan and fry onions, carrots and peppers on it. Pour the tomato mass into the pan, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper and mix well with the remaining vegetables. After that, put the boiled beans in the pan. Keep the dish on the fire for another 3-4 minutes, then sprinkle with chopped cilantro and serve the beans in a spicy sauce on a table with white bread.

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