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How to make homemade cakes

How to make homemade cakes
How to make homemade cakes

Video: Classic Vanilla Cake Recipe | How to Make Birthday Cake 2024, July

Video: Classic Vanilla Cake Recipe | How to Make Birthday Cake 2024, July

Each housewife has her own secret of making cakes, beloved by all home and, especially, children. There are a myriad of recipes: from unleavened dough, from yeast, from pastry, with or without filling, fried, baked … Try to bake unusually delicious home-made cakes, the process of preparation of which is quite simple.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • flour - 500 g;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons;
    • salt - to taste (about 1 teaspoon).

Instruction manual


Sift the flour into a bowl through a sieve and pour in cold water with mixed salt. Knead cool unleavened dough, knead 10-15 minutes. Leave it on the table, covering it with a clean towel, for 30-40 minutes, during which time the dough will "rest" and slightly increase in volume.


Divide the dough into 4-5 parts (depending on the size of the pan) and roll the koloboks out of them. Roll the first kolobok not too thin and grease with sunflower oil, preferably not refined, then fold the dough in half on the oil side. Roll out the resulting semicircle of dough and oil again, then fold again. So repeat 8 times or more - the more you fold and roll, the tastier the cake will turn out. It should turn out from 1 to 1.5 cm thick as a result.


Pour a little sunflower oil into the pan and fry the tortilla on both sides. Remove it from the pan to the napkin to remove excess oil. While frying one cake, roll the next one. Serve them warm for sweet tea or instead of bread for first courses. Cold, they are also tasty, but rarely remain until completely cooled.


From unleavened dough you can bake very thin cakes in a pan without oil or in the oven - you get lavash.

Such cakes are prepared very quickly. After baking, they should be sprinkled with water so that they are soft and not crispy.

From unleavened dough very delicious flat cakes with filling are obtained: cottage cheese with green onions, pumpkin with fried onions, potatoes or another. They are rolled out with a rolling pin after laying the toppings and fried in a pan without oil. Top greased with ghee or cream. Such cakes are present in the cuisines of the Caucasian peoples.

Useful advice

For such homemade cakes, you can use any kind of flour, but it is best to take the first.

When rolling the dough repeatedly, try to keep the rounded shape of the cake as possible.

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