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How to Make Dango on Skewers

How to Make Dango on Skewers
How to Make Dango on Skewers

Video: ♡Mitarashi dango recipe♡ (Tofu mochi skewers with sweet soy sauce glaze) 2024, July

Video: ♡Mitarashi dango recipe♡ (Tofu mochi skewers with sweet soy sauce glaze) 2024, July

Dango is a Japanese dish. It is balls made from rice flour, which are placed on a skewer and covered with syrup from starch, sugar and soy sauce. This sauce is syrup and is the main feature of the dish. Without it, dango is not served.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • for dango:

  • - 100 g of flour (rice);

  • - 0.5 tbsp. warm water.

  • for sauce:

  • - 0.5 tbsp. warm water;

  • - 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

  • - 1 tbsp. l soy sauce;

  • - 1 tbsp. l starch;

  • - 1 tbsp. l water (for dissolving starch).

Instruction manual


Knead soft plastic dough from warm water and rice flour. Divide it into small identical pieces and roll balls from them. You should get about ten, about the size of a walnut.


Boil water in a saucepan and carefully place the balls from the dough there. Cook the dango in high heat, stir occasionally, otherwise they will stick together.


After the dangos come up, cook them for about 5 minutes, remove them using a slotted spoon and quickly dip them into cold water.


Wait for the balls to cool, remove them from the water and place them on a paper towel. Wait until they dry. Dried dangos string on bamboo sticks (skewers) in three or four pieces.


In a pan, mix soy sauce, sugar and warm water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.


Reduce the fire to medium, pour into boiling syrup, diluted starch in water. Stir vigorously until thickened.


Pour the cooked dangos with hot sauce and serve. A dish resembling simple dumplings, in combination with a sauce, acquires an indescribable taste.

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