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How to overcome food addiction

How to overcome food addiction
How to overcome food addiction

Video: Overcoming Food Addiction? 2024, July

Video: Overcoming Food Addiction? 2024, July

Most people have long used food not just as a source of energy. Often, it replaces communication, vivid emotions and even sex. So is there any way to get rid of the abnormal craving for coffee, sweets or fast food?


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In fact, all modern people suffer from food addiction. The difference is only in severity. It just so happened that the modern pace of life has.

In particular, an unhealthy craving for “something tasty” arises due to various flavor enhancers that gradually form a dopamine addiction. Our taste buds are depleted from such a chemical attack, as a result of which we get chronic fatigue and a bad mood. And, of course, our brain finds the simplest and most accessible joy - food.

As you know, such an approach to things absolutely does not guarantee happiness and good prospects for your health. Therefore, addiction must be discarded.

  • Distinguish appetite and hunger. Hunger is a physical need, while appetite is nothing more than a desire to neutralize negative moods and can be caused by the smell, look, color of food. Eat only when you are hungry, and you can satisfy your appetite by doing something pleasant, resting, etc.

  • Fight stress. Do not let stress flow into a chronic form. Be sure to take daily time to deal with it. Reading, chatting with friends, even a hot foam bath can help you relax a lot. Do not neglect this.

  • Keep the border with society. Do not let others bother you in your fight against food addiction. Do not succumb to persuasion to drink or eat something out of politeness or for company. No one has the right to manipulate you.

If you feel that you can’t cope with the addiction yourself, consult a psychologist. Sometimes this dependence may be due to genetics. So the doctor will pick you special medicines that will help you in the fight against overeating.

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