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Cooking at home: the secrets of the most tender bird's milk

Cooking at home: the secrets of the most tender bird's milk
Cooking at home: the secrets of the most tender bird's milk

Video: The China they DON'T want you to SEE! 2024, July

Video: The China they DON'T want you to SEE! 2024, July

Cake bird's milk - one of the most delicious and popularly beloved. Special ingredients are not required for its preparation, and every housewife will be able to make it. But so that the cake does not disappoint, you need to know some secrets of its preparation.


Pick your recipe

This cake was invented in the seventies of the twentieth century in a Moscow restaurant. The invention of confectioners immediately made a splash, and many housewives tried to repeat it in the home kitchen, but few succeeded. But after long attempts, I nevertheless managed to unravel the souffle recipe, and the home version of the cake appeared. Now there are many options for preparing this dessert, but the basis is always almost the same.

To prepare the test you will need:

- one glass of flour

- one glass of sugar

- baking powder

- 4 medium sized eggs

- 3 teaspoons of cocoa (optional)

To prepare the cream you need to take:

- one glass of milk

- 10 egg whites

- 10 yolks

- 2 glasses of sugar

- 1 table. a spoonful of starch

- 300 grams of oil

- 40 grams of gelatin

For glaze, you need dark chocolate and 50 grams of butter. Cooking a cake start with baking cakes. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until the volume increases several times, then add the baking powder and mix, sift the flour and pour gradually into the mixture. The dough is quite liquid, like sour cream. It is better to use a baking dish detachable, it is much more convenient, cover it with baking paper or grease with oil. Bake in a preheated oven until cooked. They find out whether the biscuit is ready or not, by piercing it with a match or a toothpick, if it is dry, you can remove the cake from the oven. Then the cake should be cooled and cut in half with a thin thread or a sharp knife. If desired, the dough can be divided in half, add cocoa in one half and bake the cakes separately. Ready-made biscuit cakes can be smeared with jam or jam, sprinkled with your favorite liquor or added to a cream (2-3 tablespoons) - this will make the taste of the cake much more interesting.

While baking the cake, it is undesirable to open the oven and do not slam the door - the biscuit may fall and turn out to be less high.

Cooking cream: proteins need to be separated from the yolks and put in the refrigerator, after cooling, they will be better to beat. Next, grind the yolks with a glass of granulated sugar, then beat with a blender, add starch. Pour in milk and place this mixture in a water bath. Constantly stirring, bring it to a density, cool. Beat softened butter with a mixer and begin to gradually add the resulting cream. As soon as the whole cream is mixed with oil - it is ready.

It is very important: the cream needs to be added to the oil one at a time, constantly stirring, only then it will turn out tasty and magnificent.

Soak gelatin in warm water for 15-20 minutes. Then put it in a water bath and heat on a very low fire. Important: you must not allow boiling gelatin, as it will lose its properties and then not harden. When all the granules have dissolved, strain the gelatin through cheesecloth to remove impurities and let it cool. In the meantime, start whisking the chilled proteins. First, they need to be whipped into a stable foam, and then gradually add sugar (one glass) and beat until stable peaks of peaks (meringue) are formed. Next, pour gelatin into them in a thin stream, mix with cream.

Place one cake in a detachable form, fill with cream, put the second cake on top, crushing it slightly. The finished cake should stand in the refrigerator for several hours to set. To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add the butter, mix. Oil is added to give the glaze shine and smoothness. Carefully remove the chilled cake from the mold, fill it with icing on top and sides and let it stand in the cold for another hour.

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