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Hot dishes in pots: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Hot dishes in pots: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Hot dishes in pots: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: 7 Easy Chicken Dinners 2024, July

Video: 7 Easy Chicken Dinners 2024, July

Dishes prepared in portioned baking pots not only look beautiful, but also differ in their special taste and aroma. In such pots you can cook anything: porridge, soup, meat with a side dish and much more.


Pick your recipe

Baking pots are ceramic and clay. Ceramics are cheap, sold everywhere, it is easy to care for. Clay pots are more expensive, quite difficult to care for, and tend to absorb the aromas of dishes. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners in the culinary business to purchase pots made of ceramics.

The benefits of baking pots


Roasting pots have many advantages:

  1. Beautiful and aesthetic presentation. Having prepared and served the dish in pots, you bring in a usual breakfast, lunch or dinner a fraction of the festive atmosphere.

  2. Diversity. Pots just do not stand on your shelf waiting for your time, because you can cook hundreds of different dishes in them.

  3. Variability. If in your house someone does not like onions, someone does not eat meat, someone eats correctly, and therefore does not eat food with butter and mayonnaise, it does not matter. It is in portioned pots that you can safely cook the same dish a little differently. You simply don’t report onions in one pot, meat in another, and vegetable oil or mayonnaise in the third. Importantly, do not mix pots when serving!

  4. The effect of the "Russian stove". Food in a pot is not even stewed, but languishes, which is why it acquires a rich taste and mouth-watering aroma.

  5. Cooking time. You do not have to stand at the stove for a long time, stirring and watching. Prepare everything you need, put it in pots, put them in the oven and do other things.

  6. Temperature. Pots retain heat well, which is why the food in them cools very slowly. If someone is late to the table, nothing will have to be warmed up.

Pot Precautions

Roasting pots are rather fragile dishes that must be handled with care.

  1. Most pots do not stand cooking on an open fire, so try to use them only for the oven.

  2. Pots easily crack from a strong blow to the floor or against each other, do not forget about it during their operation and storage.

  3. Do not arrange sudden changes in temperature for this type of cookware. Place pots only in an unheated oven and do not place them in the cold immediately after cooking.

Pot dumplings


Even ordinary dumplings are transformed if they are cooked in clay or ceramic dishes. This hearty and simple recipe is especially appreciated by men.

What products will be needed (calculation for 4 servings):

  • raw dumplings - 1 kg;

  • water (or broth) - 400 ml;

  • non-fat cream (10%) - 400 ml;

  • sour cream - 100 ml;

  • fresh or dried greens (which is more like) - a little, to decorate the dish;

  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Phased recipe:

  1. Mix water (or broth) with cream in a separate bowl. If you use the broth, the dish will turn out to be more nutritious and aromatic. But if you take water, the dumplings will be less high-calorie.

  2. Put the dumplings in the pots. Try to keep them no more than 2/3 of the volume of dishes.

    Tip: Do not defrost the dumplings first, otherwise they will stick together!

  3. Add salt and black pepper to the dumplings, pour the cream of water (broth) into portioned pots. Cover the pots with lids (you can also use foil or dough).

  4. Put the baking pots in the oven. The dish should be cooked at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for about 30 minutes.

  5. Peret in order to serve the dish on the table, put in each pot a generous spoon of sour cream and sprinkle the dumplings with herbs.

Pot roast


Potatoes with meat - the most popular dish, which is prepared in pots. And this is no accident. The potato in the pot turns out to be boiled, and the meat is very tender. Here is a simple and satisfying, but not quite classic recipe for this dish.

What products will be needed (calculation for 3 servings):

  • potatoes - 7-9 pieces, depending on size;

  • lean pork - 500 g;

  • mushrooms - 400 g;

  • hard cheese - 150 g;

  • red onion - 1 pc.;

  • carrots - 1 pc.;

  • sour cream - 100 ml;

  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;

  • vegetable oil - 10-15 ml;

  • a mixture of peppers, dried herbs - to taste;

  • salt to taste.

Phased recipe:

  1. Separate the meat from the films and veins, cut into small cubes.

  2. Add mayonnaise, seasoning "Pepper Mix" and salt to the meat. Mix well. Put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

  3. Rinse and dry the mushrooms (you can take at least mushrooms, at least oyster mushrooms or any other). Cut them into medium sized pieces.

  4. Fry the mushrooms in sunflower oil until partially cooked. Put the mushrooms in a separate bowl.

  5. Separate the onion from the husk, chop finely. Grate carrots with large holes.

  6. Place the onions and carrots in the same pan where the mushrooms were fried before. Add oil if necessary. Sauté the vegetables until a beautiful golden hue appears on the onion.

  7. Add the fried onions with carrots to the mushrooms, mix.

  8. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin and small pieces, so that he has time to cook in pots. Mix potatoes with sour cream, salt and dried herbs.

  9. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pots, well lubricate the bottom and walls with this oil. To do this, you can take a silicone brush.

  10. Put the potatoes in the first layer, then put the mushrooms with vegetables on the potatoes. The last layer is meat. Close the pots with lids or foil.

    A little trick: the sequence of laying the ingredients varies depending on where you cook the roast. For example, the above sequence is good for the oven, but not suitable for air grills. If you are going to cook pot roasts in an air grill, be sure to turn all the layers over. The rule is simple: potatoes should be closest to the heat source.

  11. Put the portioned pots in the oven, cook the roast at a temperature of 190-200 degrees for about 40-45 minutes.

  12. Then take out the pots, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and, no longer covering the pots with lids, bake the dish for another 5 minutes. Turn off the oven.

  13. Serve potatoes with meat can be directly in portioned pots, and in plates.

Pumpkin porridge in pots


If you want to try porridge like from a Russian stove, cook it in portioned ceramic or clay pots. Pumpkin porridge with millet is especially good in pots; it turns out to be incredibly soft, delicate and fragrant. Impossible to resist!

What products will be needed (calculation for 3 servings):

  • pumpkin - 400 g;

  • millet - 200 g;

  • milk - 800 ml;

  • sugar - 1 tbsp;

  • butter - 15 g;

  • salt - a pinch;

  • cinnamon, vanillin - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Peel the whole hard peel from the pumpkin with a sharp knife, and then remove the seeds with a spoon. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Rinse millet in cool water.

  2. Arrange the pumpkin in pots, add millet to it. Try to ensure that pumpkin and millet do not occupy more than 1/3 of the volume.

  3. Add sugar, salt, cinnamon and vanillin. Pour milk into everything and cover the pots with lids.

  4. Put them in the oven. Cook porridge at a temperature of 170-180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

  5. After that, do not open the oven for another 30-40 minutes, so that the porridge continues to languish.

  6. Before serving, put a small portion of butter in each pot.

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