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Chicken breast dishes: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Chicken breast dishes: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Chicken breast dishes: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: 25 Chicken Recipes 2024, July

Video: 25 Chicken Recipes 2024, July

Weight watchers most often choose chicken breasts - lean white meat, rich in protein and free of excess fat. Gourmets will also like this part of the chicken, especially if you add it with spices, herbs, various vegetables.


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Chicken breast dishes: interesting options for everyone


Chicken breast is considered one of the most healthy types of meat. It contains a lot of protein, a minimum of fat. It contains a lot of valuable amino acids, micro and macro elements, and B vitamins. The product belongs to dietary supplements. There are only 150 calories in 100 g of breast without skin. At the same time, meat has a high nutritional value, it is nutritious and well digested. That is why chicken is recommended for children, allergy sufferers, and people on a diet.

A variety of dishes can be prepared from breast: salads, sandwiches, mashed soups. Especially often, the breast is used for second courses, it is baked, steamed, grilled or fried in a pan. The only minus of the product is low fat content, due to which the dish often turns out to be rather dry. The use of batter, vegetable pillow, sauces and gravy will help to correct the situation. It is important not to overexpose the breast on fire, then the meat will retain its juices, the dish will turn out to be tender and very pleasant to taste.

Chicken Curry: Simple and Delicious


Chicken curry is a hearty and very mouth-watering dish served with rice or pasta. The pleasant sweet-sour taste of the sauce goes well with tender chicken.


  • 400 g chicken breast fillet;

  • 2 sweet and sour oranges;

  • 1 large bell pepper;

  • 200 g of champignons;

  • 1 tbsp. l curry powder;

  • 1 tsp Paprika

  • 1 tbsp. l wheat flour;

  • cooking oil for frying;

  • salt.

Rinse, dry, remove films and grease. Cut into small cubes, roll in flour with salt, and then in a mixture of curry and paprika. Fry the chicken in warmed vegetable oil until golden brown, put on a plate and keep warm.

Pepper clear of seeds, cut into thin strips. Chop mushrooms into slices. Squeeze juice from oranges. A little trick: if citruses turn out to be too sweet, you can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the orange juice. Remove the zest of half an orange with a special knife and chop it very thinly.

In a separate frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the mushrooms, then add pepper to them. Simmer all together, stirring constantly. Put chicken to vegetables, mix again. Pour the products with orange juice and simmer until the liquid thickens. Try the sauce, salt if necessary. Arrange the curry in plates, add a side dish, sprinkle each portion with curls of orange zest.

Cold breasts with sesame and oregano: a step by step recipe

Original white snacks are made from white chicken meat. An interesting example is a Mediterranean-style chicken cooked with sesame seeds and oregano. The recipe uses wine that gives chicken a delicate spicy aroma. The dish looks very beautiful in photographs and is great for a festive table.


  • 4 chicken breasts;

  • 0.5 cups of white wine;

  • oregano (oregano);

  • a little sesame;

  • olive oil;

  • freshly ground black pepper;

  • salt.

Wash chicken breasts, dry with a paper towel, salt and pepper. Fry the meat in warmed olive oil until golden brown. Pour dry white wine, add oregano and sesame, simmer for about 7 minutes, until the gravy thickens. Remove the chicken, cool, arrange on a platter, garnish with fresh vegetables and a green salad. Strain and serve the sauce separately. Dry white or rose wine will be a good accompaniment to fried breasts.

Chicken breast in batter


Fried chicken in a pan contains more calories. Such a dish is not suitable for those who are on a diet, but lovers of hearty, appetizing, highly nutritious food will like it.


  • 450 g skinless breast fillet;

  • 2 eggs;

  • 2 tbsp. l sour cream;

  • 4 tbsp. l wheat flour;

  • salt;

  • ground black pepper;

  • refined cooking oil for frying.

Rinse chicken, dry, cut into not too thick plastic. Wrap each piece in cling film and lightly beat off. Grate meat with salt and ground pepper.

Beat eggs with sour cream and salt, gradually adding the sifted flour. Knead the batter without lumps. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Chops alternately dipped in batter and fry on both sides until golden brown. Each piece takes 5-7 minutes to cook. Fold the finished chops on a plate covered with a paper napkin. Serve the baked breasts hot, topped with green salad and creamy sauce.

Breasts in red sauce: classic


According to this recipe, a rabbit is often cooked, but chicken breasts are also very tasty. Juniper berries, fresh or dried, add an unusual flavor to the game. The bouquet will be complemented by spices: ginger, cloves, cinnamon.


  • 4 chicken breast fillets (185 g each);

  • 3 tbsp. l red wine vinegar;

  • 2 cm of fresh ginger root;

  • 4 buds of cloves;

  • 125 g pitted raisins;

  • 185 g dried apricots;

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;

  • 1 tsp dried ginger;

  • 4 juniper berries;

  • 2 tbsp. l wheat flour;

  • 20 g butter;

  • 1 tbsp. l refined vegetable oil;

  • 300 ml of chicken stock;

  • 1 orange for decoration;

  • salt.

Prepare the marinade by mixing red wine, wine vinegar, crushed or chopped juniper berries, dry ginger and fresh root, peeled and finely grated, cinnamon and cloves. Rinse chicken breasts, dry with a paper towel, put in a marinade and leave overnight in a sealed container. Keep the meat cool, for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Get the chicken from the marinade, dry, roll in flour. In a pan, mix the vegetable and butter, lay the breasts skin down, let them fry, turn and fry on the other side. Get the chicken, put it on a paper towel that absorbs excess oil.

Pour the marinade and chicken broth into the pan, bring the mixture to a boil. Return the breasts to the pan, tightly close the lid, simmer for about half an hour. During this time, the meat should become soft. Put it on a dish and keep warm. Boil the sauce remaining in the pan until it thickens and decreases in volume. Arrange the chicken fillet on heated plates, pour each serving with sauce and garnish with orange slices. The best side dish for chicken in red sauce is boiled rice.

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