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Are there lazy dumplings

Are there lazy dumplings
Are there lazy dumplings

Video: Lazy Pork Dumplings - Easy Soup Dumpling - Food Wishes 2024, July

Video: Lazy Pork Dumplings - Easy Soup Dumpling - Food Wishes 2024, July

The housewives sometimes have a catastrophic lack of time to sculpt dumplings with their own hands. This process can take more than one hour. It is good that a worthy alternative has been found to this delicious dish in the form of lazy dumplings.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - flour;

  • - water;

  • - salt;

  • - chopped meat.

Instruction manual


The ingredients for lazy dumplings are the same as for ordinary ones, but the molding process is much faster, and the result is even more beautiful products.


Knead the dough first. To do this, pour 500 grams of flour into a bowl, make a hole in it, beat in 1 egg and pour in 1 cup of water. Mix these ingredients with a spoon first. When the process becomes difficult, sprinkle the table with flour, put the dough on it and knead it with your hand.


The result should be a smooth elastic ball. Cover it with a towel so as not to dry out and start cooking minced meat. Using a blender, grind a medium-sized onion and mix it with 250 grams of ground beef. Add a little salt and a pinch of black pepper and mix the minced meat. If it's cool, pour 3 tablespoons of ice water into it. This will allow the filling to be more tender.


Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out one of the pieces into a rectangle. Put half the minced meat on the bottom of this rectangle and roll it up tightly. Blind the large edge of the dough with a roll so that the lazy dumplings do not turn around during cooking. Cut it into pieces 3-4 cm wide.


Do the same with the remaining minced meat and the second half of the dough. While you are doing this, put a pot of salted water on the fire. When the water boils, lower the dumplings and cook them for 6-7 minutes. Remember to gently stir a couple of times so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.


This is the most persistent version of lazy dumplings. If you have a little more time, then put the cooked dumplings in a pan, add sliced ​​sweet pepper, chopped tomato without skin. Peel the onions, cut them and send them into a hot pan in which you have already poured a little sunflower oil. After 2 minutes, add carrots, pre-chopped on a coarse grater.


Put the frying to dumplings and vegetables, pour boiling water. It should only cover the contents of the pan. Add some salt and optionally sour cream or mayonnaise. Stew dumplings on low heat for 12-15 minutes.


They are eaten with broth and vegetables. But this must be done immediately after preparation. When the dumplings in the broth stand for some time, the dough will become sticky. If you want to cook lazy dumplings for the future, sprinkle them with flour and freeze, as usual.


Rosettes from dough with meat can be not only cooked and stewed, but also baked. After you have molded them, blind the bottom of each product so that it consists only of dough and place on a baking sheet, oiled. Put on top each little grated cheese and sour cream, bake in the oven until cooked.

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